
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

growing like a Joshua weed

We just got back from Josh's two month check-up.  He is doing great!

Here are his stats:

2 months 1 week old
weight - 14 pounds 11 ounces
length - 24.25 inches
head circumference - 16 inches

Still at the top of the charts for height and weight and in t he middle for head circumference just as he was at birth.  He has been growing beautifully and everything checked out fine.  He got three shots and one oral vaccination for rotavirus.  He took it all like a champ though and was easily comforted afterwards. 

He's a tad congested today and coughing up a little phlegm.  It's so pitiful when you can't do anything to make a baby feel better.  Julianna never got sick this early so it's hard to deal with, but of course since he's the second kid he's going to have a lot of firsts earlier than she did.

We've been working on letting him soothe himself to sleep a little.  Not letting him cry himself to sleep, but we just put him down when he's getting sleepy and let him grunt and sigh and kick around a little until he falls asleep on his own.  It doesn't always work, but he's certainly getting better at it.  That's something we didn't know how to do with Jules and I wish we had because it helps tremendously.

So all is well.  How are you?

Monday, December 28, 2009

two links I love

I just discovered WiseStamp and I'm in love.  WiseStamp lets you customize your email signature with whatever design you like (including graphics) and you can even add RSS feeds and Twitter/Facebook/Other Social Media links.  It works with bunches of different email services.

Only problem is that it's currently only available for Firefox users.  I used to be a huge Firefox fan until I discovered Google Chrome a year or so ago.  I've been using Chrome ever since.  However, I may have to switch back to Firefox just to use WiseStamp because I love it so much.  We'll see.


I'm also loving Triad Smarty Pants, a site I just recently started reading.  Turns out they've profiled a couple of people that I know and besides the information they provide on events happening around the Triad they also hold some pretty awesome giveaways.  If you're in the Triad area you should definitely subscribe to the blog

Sunday, December 27, 2009

break and bakes for Santa

look what i found in the tent this morning

Jonathan has been wanting to take Jules camping but it has been entirely too cold.  Maybe they will be able to go in the late Spring or early Summer.  So anyway, Julianna and Daddy built a "tent" and camped out in the family room last night.  Jules had to get all of her stuffed animal friends down from her bedroom and put them in her sleeping bag.  They went to sleep at about 11pm and woke up as usual at about 7:15am.  I'm sure they'll both need a nap today, but that's OK because Mama can use the peace and quiet!  :)  Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

two months

Dear Joshua,

Yesterday you turned two months old.  Oh child, it is so obvious that you are our second.  We let you cry a little more than Julianna did.  We understand your cries a lot more than we understood your sister's.  You have hand-me-down everything.  This letter is late (as most of them probably will be).  We are just different parents.  Of two kids.  And you are a happy baby.

I guess I have to go ahead an apologize to you for something I'm certain you'll deal with your whole life.  It is almost impossible to not compare you to your sister.  We'll always love the two of you equally, but we can't have an experience with you and not think of a similar experience with Julianna or be reminded of the way it was with her.  Sometimes the two of you are the same and sometimes you are as different as can be.  She was our first baby and now you are our first baby boy.  You are both unique individuals and you are both loved tremendously.

Anyway Buddy, you are HUGE!  We haven't gone for your two month check-up yet due to the holidays, but we'll go next week and find out how much you weigh.  I'm guessing around fourteen pounds.  You are so long, but in a different way than Julianna was.  Your torso is extremely long while her length was in her legs.  This gives you much chubbier thighs than she had at your age.  Oh the rolls!  I love them.  One thing I almost cannot believe (but will probably have trouble forgetting) is that you're wearing 6-9 sized month clothes at only two months.  We've already had to remove the U-shaped baby head rest in your car seat because you just don't fit in it or need it anymore.

I suppose we'll have to wait to see if you can handle your shots as well as your sister does.

You smile and laugh all the time.  You are generally content every time you wake up and you give us the biggest grins automatically.  My favorite part about your smiles is when I just lay you down horizontally on the boppy pillow you instantly smile from ear to ear and your fat cheeks turn red from happiness.

We've given you a few bottles of breast milk now and we let Julianna do the honors with the first one.  You hesitated a little bit each time at the beginning, but eventually catch on and don't object.  You eat very well and I have learned to easily tell when you are satisfied (one of my greatest challenges with your sister who I felt used me for a pacifier).  You still haven't had formula since the hospital and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

Earlier this month I had a nasty run-in with mastitis.  I woke up one morning after you'd given me a pretty good night's sleep and I knew instantly that something wasn't right.  I was in a lot of pain and you couldn't latch on.  I thought I'd give it a few feedings to see if it wasn't just engorgement from you going so long without nursing.  Unfortunately, I started getting body aches and running a 102 degree temperature so I started antibiotics, fed you often, and things were back to normal in a few days.  You, me (and the Zoloft) make a good team.

You're sleeping usually from 10pm to 4am and then again until 7 or 7:30am.  I can't complain too much.  You love the paci, unlike your sister.  You don't even mind the pink ones.  Whenever you're up against someone's shoulder you constantly lick their shirt if you don't have a pacifier in your mouth.

Your eyesight has greatly improved and you are turning your head in the direction of voices.  All we have to do is just speak in your general direction and you will break into a HUGE grin, shake your head back and forth furiously, and nearly wiggle your arms and legs right off in excitement.  You can even push off with your legs now like you're wanting to roll over.  You absolutely HATE your car seat though.  You would much rather be carried in the sling or the front carrier and when you have to be in it in the car you scream the majority of the time.  The only time you have fallen asleep in the car and stayed asleep was when we drove to the NC Zoo the other day.

Mostly you are an easy baby.  On Thanksgiving Day so many people were holding you and passing you around and after a while of it you just wouldn't go to sleep and wouldn't stop crying.  I kept saying that I thought you were just tired, but every time we'd get you to sleep you just wake up again and scream.  Finally we figured out that you were just tired of being held.  You've even fallen asleep and stayed asleep a few times on your own, something I don't believe Julianna ever did at two months old.

Josh, I cannot believe how fast your first two months have gone by.  I think -  no, I'm sure I said that with Jules, but I believe it's so much more true with you.  Because I am enjoying you as a baby more and because I'm not a new mother anymore and because I'm actually throughly enjoying being the mother of an infant, it seems like the time is just zooming by.  I'm afraid that I'll blink and you'll be packing for college.

Thank you for making me feel like a wonderful Mama.  Thank you for loving me for loving you.  Thank you for being content to just be my precious baby boy.

Love you,

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009


I used to play around with coding a lot more than I have the patience for now and I can't get this screwy header to line up right.  I'm ready to go to bed!  Can anyone help me figure out how to move my header over so it lines up with the background?  Thanks a million.

Friday, December 18, 2009

it's been snowing since 11am

but Josh doesn't care
next year he will though
We were driving by the new baseball stadium yesterday and we told Julianna what it was that they were building.  She said, "Someday I would like to go there and see baseball, but not on the Wii."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday night fun

Today was supposed to be our date night with Jules. We went to Chick Fil A (her choice) and then headed to the movies. The Princess and the Frog was sold out so we took Julianna bowling instead. It was her first time and I was actually surprised at how well she did. Of course she's had a little practice with the Wii but that ball weighs a lot less. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

night on the town

Sister just made ornaments for her teachers at the arts and crafts place and now Mama and I are waiting on take out for dinner.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009