
my interests

web stuff

I love the internet and all things to do with it. It provides convenience and  hours of entertainment. I have had email since I was a high school freshman in 1993-94 and now am constantly connection to my mail all throughout the day. I cannot imagine life without my laptop, htc Eris, or internet connection. The internet also meshes really well with education. I guess that's how I got started with web design and once you really look at what's out there you realize how much can be done. To me, one of the best parts is the documentation it involves. In the future I hope to continue learning, developing, and designing.


We were both raised attending church. We knew that when we got married we would want to find a church home of our own. It took us a long time to find a church that "felt right" and although we are still members of our home churches, we try to be active in our new church through both worship and service.  We serve regularly in the children's ministry during one of our church's Saturday services and we lead a small group at our house every other week.


I love the beach. Before we had the little girl we would go about every month or every other month to Myrtle Beach. I usually enjoy the perks of being a teacher and spend quite a bit of time there over the summer. I haven't been too many places but I suppose I am luckier than many. In the future some of the places I hope to travel include the gulf coast, Spain, Australia, and Africa.


There's not a lot I can say about this since I haven't made time for it in a while. Who has the time when chasing after a preschooler and rocking a baby?!


I love to read! Mostly I just wish I had more time to choose which book to read myself instead of being handed one and then the pages forcefully turned even when I've not finished them! But seriously, I could spend hundreds of dollars in bookstores but I would need many more hours in each day to even crack the covers.


I've been on many weight-loss journeys throughout the years. Before Julianna was born I needed to lose about ten or fifteen pounds so I started running. My sister was training for a half-marathon at the time and she convinced my husband and I to join her on a few runs. I built my mileage up to about four miles and I was completely surprised by my ability to do that. Since I was pregnant I had awful morning sickness and after about three months, I quit running in favor of eating. I picked it up again after Julianna was born and then it even became a little fun. I haven't exercised since before Josh was born and I don't know how I could possibly find the time for it now.  Still.  The high you get when you've finished a good run is unbeatable and I hope that I can get back to running soon and make it a lifestyle.