
Friday, November 18, 2005


I should never have talked about how well I was handling stress because all of a sudden it hit this morning. I left the house early to go to the ATM to make a much needed deposit and got in major traffic. People were flying so crazy around Forsyth Tech near the ATM machine that three people almost hit me - all at different times! Anyway, we're having more car trouble and with all of the stuff that's going on this weekend that is the last thing that I want to worry about. Plus, we really don't need the financial strain that having car trouble causes. So I just called Jonathan and cried for a little bit. I feel better now and I will feel much better when this student council pizza junk that I gotta do today is over with...

Anyway, this weekend is a busy one. I have to volunteer after school for the babsketball tournament security. Then I have to get home and wrap a gift and be ready to go to a surprise birthday dinner in Lexington. Tomorrow morning I have to worry about getting the car to the shop (AGAIN) and picking up mom and dad's van and then pick up the food for tomorrow night. Tomorrow afternoon we are going to see the Harry Potter matinee - fun! Tomorrow night we are going to a dinner party with Jonathan's work people and Sunday we have Thanksgiving at the Tucker's. Somehow I have to find time to fix something for that.

So last night Julianna was performing her usual acrobatics when I laid down to sleep except this time she was alternating a period of kicking with a period of some weird sliding/scraping. It was fascinating to feel. It felt like her foot or head was sliding along like she was trying to turn around or something. Anyway, it was cool and I just laid there mesmerized for a while. I can't wait to meet her!

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