
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

the holidays are coming!

Oh goodness it has been a crazy week so far. The holiday season is definitely underway. I am still up 17 pounds and that makes me sad. I thought that a pound or two would come off pretty quickly after the weekend, but maybe not. And today is the first "Christmas party" of the year. The school's staff get-together is today after school. I think tonight we are going out for Whit's birthday which will be fun. Sometime I will have to find time to exercise to make up for all of this eating! :)

We got a Christmas tree Monday night. Actually, Jonathan went and got it and Whit and I decorated it. It is SO PRETTY! With all of the lights in the windows the house actually looks decent. I guess I will try to work on the nursery some more this weekend. We don't have a lot going on except the Sunday School Christmas party on Saturday night.

I have slept so much better the past two nights. Yesterday mom brought me Whit's old body pillow to borrow. I slept with it last night and I really think it helps. I put it in between my arms, under my belly, and between my legs and it helps with the back pain. I told Jonathan the other day that I am now ready for Julianna to be here. I don't know how my poor body can wait another 16 weeks! But I guess since all of these people have gone before me and had to deal with it then I can too.

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