
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

another terrific tuesday

I read one of the best but hardest verses to follow in the Bible this morning. It was Hebrews 11:6 which says, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." I have been earnestly seeking Him for the past few days and I pray that I will continue to seek Him and have faith like those heroes listed in Hebrews 11.

We went to our last Birth and Beginnings class last night at the hospital. For the first hour we watched a video about C-sections and talked about post-partum care. Then we went on the tour of the Labor and Delivery Sections of the hospital. I really learned a lot of stuff in last night's class. Some of it I really didn't want to know even though it is good to know. We went over quite a bit about what to expect after you've delivered and it's just plain gross sounding. Besides we also talked about complications during pregnancy that result in emergency c-sections and that scared me a lot. I hope and pray that I have a normal delivery! Anyway, overall I'd say the class was beneficial. But that's just my personality I think. I can see why others wouldn't spend the time or money on it.

OK so if you want a laugh just imagine me literally running to the bathroom just now with pee running down my leg. Oh the joys of pregnancy and weak muscles! Someone might need to buy me some depends... or maybe I can just add it to my registry. :) In other news, I am now officially 28 pounds up. Ugh. I feel like such a blimp that if I delivered Julianna right now I would have all of the motivation I need to lose the weight in a few short months! My hands have been really really swollen lately. I don't want to have to take off my wedding rings! Julianna has supposedly grown to over 4 pounds and over 17 inches this week. I am anxious to have another ultrasound so I will have to ask about that at my next appointment. I want to know if the baby has already turned. I would guess that she has, but I can't say that I'm sure of it.

Curves tonight. Packing for the beach and lesson plans tomorrow night. Curves again Thursday night. Lots to do and very little time!

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