
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Happy Hump Day!

This week is really going by slowly. Shouldn't it be at least Thursday or Friday by now? I think it was the "non-snow" day on Monday that messed me up. Oh well. I have a doctor's appointment today. I have to have the strep B test. Fun, fun! Then I should only have three appointments left. Wow, that is not many!

I had a great day yesterday. School was good. I was productive and managed to get back into my morning Bible Study routine. After school I went to Target and Michael's and then I came home and watched TV and made a gift for Mr. T. It is really cute. It is a frame with the baby's name rubber stamped across the top and bottom. Then in the middle there is a cute little boy quote and the birth information. I probably should have spent my time doing something else, but it was fun nevertheless. I did manage to actually get the bag and list of stuff to pack for the hospital out last night although I didn't put anything in it. There just is not enough time in the day! Everyone keeps telling me to rest while I can and it makes me so irritated because 1) I have so much to do I just don't know how I could possibly find the time right now to nap and relax, etc. and 2) I know that they're right and I can't do much about it. I just do what I can. "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

Today I am working on updating my bulletin board for the last time this year! That is so exciting! I will also try to make some more progress on my lesson plans, but I'm not sure if I'll get much done. It is slow going. We are also on chapel schedule today too so I won't have as much time.

I got lots of cute scrapbooing stuff at Michael's yesterday though and I can't wait to have a few spare moments this summer after Julianna is in a routine and napping or something and I will work on her scrapbook. We also learned how to make neat-o photo explosion boxes at stamp club and I am ready to have some pictures to go in mine! Plus I have all of these baby shower pictures and belly pictures to scrapbook and get caught up on.

Did you know that only 5% of babies are born on their actual due dates. My sister and I were both a couple of days late I think. My doctor said that they would induce if I was a week late and still no signs of labor which pretty much guarantees that Julianna will be a March baby. That is fine with me because I know that March babies are good. :)

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