
Monday, February 13, 2006

winter is upon us

I had a great weekend. It always goes by so quickly though! The ACSI Conference Thursday and Friday was great and a nice change of pace from the usual grind. I heard some excellent speakers this year, but I also went to less seminars which was really good because I got to take it slow. Jonathan made it home late Friday night, but then Whitter is still snowed in in NYC. I hope she is staying warm and I hope she makes it home today. The people on the news said something about a lot of flights resuming today so maybe she will make it to work tomorrow. Who knows?

I had a fun family baby shower yesterday. As usual I got some really neat stuff. Now I should only have one left and it is in two weekends and will be given by the Sunday School class. Whew! That's a lot of gifts that I have gotten!

I also had a doctor's appointment on Thursday afternoon which went really well. I have gained 28 pounds and the doctor commented on how I had hardly gained an ounce in the last 3 or 4 weeks. My belly is still measuring normal and my blood pressure was back to 120 over 80. She felt the baby and showed me where her bottom was and her head so I know that Julianna has already turned. I thought she had but wasn't 100% sure. Now when she gets the hiccups they are really low feeling and her kicks feel a lot higher. At my next appointment I have to get the strep B test which is the last test I have to get before I deliver. It will determine if I need to get antibiotics by IV during labor. I start going every week now and they will continue doing abdominal exams to check to see when she drops. Closer to the due date they will start checking internally for cervix dilation and other signs of progression. It all is starting to make me nervous!

This week Julianna weighs a tad over 5 pounds and is just over 18 inches long. Over 99% of babies born at 35 weeks do survive. Just knowing that makes it feel so close and so real! At least we are making progress on the nursery and stuff. Jonathan put together the carrier and stroller, swing, and bouncy seat, and installed the car seat base. We need to get that checked out. I think all that we are really missing now is the high chair and co-sleeper for the bedroom. I still haven't washed anything or finished my lesson plans. I am staying busy opening all of these gifts and writing thank you notes! I will try to get the latest pictures posted soon. I know that I am falling behind on that... It is good to know though that I only work at Curves 4 more days (this Monday and Thursday and next Monday and Thursday).

Jonathan and I went out for our Valentine's Day dinner last night since he will be working late tomorrow night. We ate at the Village Tavern and it was nice. I guess it will be one of the few meals we have left with just the two of us for a while. :( sigh... Well, I really have to get something done today. Too much play over the weekend leaves me lots to do this week...

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