
Thursday, April 20, 2006

what's happening?

Today has been an interesting day. I met Jonathan and his mom for lunch. Of course, Jules slept all morning, especially for the rides in the car. This afternoon she has only been awake for about an hour and a half. I'm afraid she won't sleep tonight. She also has been spitting up like crazy lately. I don't know how to get her to quit doing it so much. I am learning as we go. It is hard though and I am so glad that tomorrow starts another weekend so Jonathan will be home to help.

We also ventured out to Target this morning. It is a chore lugging the carrier, stroller, and diaper bag everywhere we go, but it is worth it to get out of the house. I bought some white shelves to put on the wall in the nursery. Maybe I can get Jonathan to put those up this weekend. I was also wanting to get some white picture frames to hang with ribbon on the walls in the nursery, but their choices were slim. I am antsy to get some of her adorable photos on the walls.

So I can tell that getting this updated every day is going to be almost impossible considering I started this over 6 hours ago and I haven't really had a chance to get back to it since. Anyway, got to start getting ready for bed now. Love to you all!

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