
Friday, May 5, 2006

traveling with a 6 week old? am i crazy?

We're all packed and ready to head to the beach. Julianna is a good car-rider too so I hope she stays quiet the whole way although there's a good possibility that she won't because the past two nights have been great sleep nights. Wednesday night she slept from about 10:15 until 4:15 and then again for 3 hours after that. Last night she slept from about 10:15 until 3:30 and then from 4:40 until 8:00. I feel great and I'm so proud of her. That sounds silly. Oh well. It's how I feel.

So we've got all the beach stuff in the car and we're just waiting on dad to get home from work to head south east. I can't wait. We're not going to do a thing and it's going to be wonderful. Even though Jonathan didn't want to go when I first mentioned it, I think he is really excited too. Last night when he was giving Jules a bath he was telling her how he was going to put her feet in the sand and then dip them in the ocean and he said to her, "We're going to make Mommy so scared!" I thought it was cute although he's probably 100% accurate. He's a great father and I love him so much! Hopefully next week I'll have some great pictures to put up on the pictures page. Keep yours eyes peeled! :)

We went to CVS today to pick up my prescription and the pharmacist asked what Julianna's name was and when I told her she started calling her "Little J." I thought it was so cute. She was cooing at her and telling her all kinds of stuff. When we left she yelled out, "Bye Little J." People are so funny when they use their baby voice. I thought it was just when you were pregnant that people opened doors for you, etc. but it's also when you are carrying a baby. It is so nice.

OK, I have no more thoughts for now. Have a great weekend!

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