
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

start spreading the news

i'm leaving today.... errrr.... in October...

the hubby and i have been planning (well, more like contemplating) our five year anniversary trip this October. it will be our first overnight trip without little J and we're planning on going to NYC for three nights. *sigh* i don't know how i'll do it, but at least i have 9 months to think about it.

plane tickets have been coming down so we're excited about that because we've been counting on spending no less than $2500 on everything for those three nights. we hadn't really talked about hotels or anything like that but then yesterday one of the students in my class gave a power point presentation on NYC and she told all about the hotel her family stayed in on one of their visits. i was mostly just listening and grading her presentation until i heard her say there were eight Starbucks in the hotel - one on each of the first eight floors. that got me curious to say the least. so last night we looked up that hotel and it looks really nice. restaurants and shopping on the first few floors and then very nice looking rooms on the forty or so floors above that. it's a four-star hotel right on Broadway and the rates aren't too terribly expensive, so i'll be keeping that one in mind.

anyway, we've got lots of details to work out with the little girl. where will she stay? how will we get her there before we have to drive to the airport? etc.

i am excited about the trip, but i know i am also going to worry like crazy about jules!