
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We Have a Musician (Or Two) in Our Family

Whether it is true or not, several people have remarked that Julianna appears to be “musically inclined.” Someone told me that we should have her in music classes because they noticed that she can keep rhythm so well. Our friend in graduate school studying audiology said that of course, there’s no better time than to start at an early age for sign language and music lessons. Papaw bought her a flute – one of those recorder things we all played in elementary school - and she figured it out right away. She loves to blow her “whistle.” Her uncle graduated from NCSA with a Master’s Degree in Trombone Music and he could probably teach her a thing or two.

Since my parents have had their house on the market for a while now they have learned to get ready in literally a moment’s notice to leave for an hour or so while their house is being shown. Needless to say, they have become regulars at the local dollar store.

One day this past weekend at the typical afternoon showing my dad decided to visit the dollar store where to his delight he found a Memorial Day Sale going on. Everything was 20 – 40% off! He decided that since my mother was always nagging him about not sharing the flute with Julianna and passing germs back and forth he would just buy us all a recorder! And we would make a band! He got a variety of colors of flutes for $0.60 each.

Last night after dinner we were all sitting around resting our tired muscles and reading over the packet of information the nurse had sent about my mom’s upcoming knee replacement surgery. One of her biggest fears, my mom confided in us, is that after the surgery she’ll be sitting at home unable to go anywhere or do anything and my dad will be off doing his own thing surfing the net or watching the latest stock reports in the basement. Half sarcastically, half for real she said, “Maybe I’ll just buy a bell and ring it when I need some service…”

To which my husband replied, “You could always just blow your flute.”

1 comment:

  1. Her great-grandmother is a wonderful pianist and organist.

    Her father played piano for a while and played drums.
