
Monday, June 18, 2007

good news, bad news

Good News
Julianna and I went to a backyard birthday party today for a little girl of a friend in the mom's group I joined. She had SO MUCH FUN. She ran around with the bigger kids and splashed in the pool to her heart's content. She even picked up the sprinkler at one point and aimed it at everyone nearby. She had no idea what she was doing. It was so funny. Also, I had no idea that she would know what to do with a pinata, but the kid has no fear and she jumped right in. (Even though you didn't want the candy, Julianna, and instead chose the bouncy balls, I'll forgive you.)

Bad News
She didn't sleep very well last night, came home for her nap a little late and overtired, and then didn't nap well either. Let's hope tonight is different.

Good News
We went to the new Y tonight to a water aerobics class. It was pretty fun. Everyone there was a first timer so the instructor spent most of the time just talking to us about what we would do in a real class and not really working us out too incredibly hard.

Bad News
Unfortunately, there is no child care set up at the Y yet so my dad had to play with Julianna the whole time and the baby pool/water park was closed so they didn't really get to do a lot. Also, the water was colder than an outdoor pool would have been. We were all blue and shaking by the time we got done.

Good News
My husband was supposed to fly to Iowa tonight for work. He left the house at 5pm and went to the airport and came back home two and a half hours later to tell me that the flight was canceled. I'm excited to have him home one more night.

Bad News
The bad news is that he won't make it to the plant he is supposed to tour tomorrow morning and will miss the whole thing. He has to now get up really early and take a different flight with no reimbursement for anything (his two hours spent at the airport, his missed seminar, not even his 2 hour parking pass) and will miss basically a whole day of the event he was supposed to be going to. And they gave him no reason for canceling the flight.

Good News
I'm getting to a point in the book I'm reading where I don't want to put it down anymore.

Bad News
I'm getting to a point in the book I'm reading where I don't want to put it down anymore.


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