
Friday, October 24, 2008

rain, rain go away

We've been getting ready for wedding festivities tonight and tomorrow and we just paused to take a lunch break and a little rest on the couch for a bit before trying to get more done. Jules is sitting beside me and she just picked up some of the Christmas catalogs that have started coming in the mail. She is so adorable just looking through them and ohhhhh-ing and aahhhhhh-ing at all the toys. She keeps pointing out ones she wants and ones that she knows other people already have. It's the first time she's been so aware of the materialistic nature of our society's Christmas and while it's super annoying, it's also great fun to watch her be so excited.

So anyway, I'm sorry I've been so MIA over the past month or so. Hopefully after tomorrow I will have a life again and will return to the blog more regularly. In the meantime, cross your fingers that it stops raining here soon and just for fun, go pick out some Christmas presents like a child again!

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