
Friday, October 23, 2009


When Courtney asked if any of us wanted to blog while she was caring for her newborn, I said I would love to.  I knew I would be able to write all about what Julianna was doing here at home without her Mama and Daddy and what she was saying about the baby.  Of course we didn't know that the swine flu would prevent us from taking Julianna to the hospital to see her new sibling and that the new sibling would be in the NICU so no one but Mama and Daddy could see him, much less even hold him!!  All of that has been so very hard, but this too will pass.

Courtney and Jonathan are doing good.  I believe Courtney is getting more sleep than Jonathan and of course he is staying at the hospital with her.  They all might get to come home tomorrow, so give them a few days to get adjusted to a new one at home.  

I showed Julianna the pictures of Joshua on the computer this morning and she just beamed and said "oh, my little Joshee".  She is going to be one precious big sister.  She has already picked out a small pumpkin to give him.  She told me and Pap yesterday that she is going to tell him to dust the whole house when he gets home.  Hmmm...wonder where that came from??

We cannot wait to hold the little guy and welcome him home!



  1. I'm so glad you are updating the blog. I've been checking to see how things are going. Please send our love.

  2. So glad things are going well!! Hope you all made it home today!!
