
Saturday, April 10, 2010

ok, I'm going to open a can of worms

We are contemplating early admittance to kindergarten for Julianna.  Are we crazy?  Thoughts?


  1. I obviously have no experience in this area yet. What is early admittance? She just turned 4 right, so a year early?

    Why are you considering it? Just curious for my own future reference. :)

  2. you are better than me. i want to cry every time i think about kindergarten. there are days when collin drives me insane, of course, but the thought of losing him is terrifying to me. good luck w/your decision.

  3. I think that academically she would be ready. My caution would be maturity. She is very mature for her age, but as curriculum becomes more difficult in first and second grade developmentally she might not be ready. You have to think in first grade now she would be doing what we did in second and third grade. Expectations are much greater and there is a lot of pressure put on testing. If you have questions give me a call.

  4. I think that if you think she is ready, and if SHE thinks she is ready, then that's the right decision. You'll know. :)

  5. I have never talked to a primary teacher that actually encouraged early entry. Most prefer parents to wait if anything. Maturity is the big thing. It is your call, I think the principal also has to agree that they are mature enough for early entry. Is she in a 3-4 class at preschool or a 4-5 class? She is very mature for her age, but I do see a pretty big difference between the pre-k class (4 and 5's) and the kindergarten (5's and 6's) class at Drew's school (he is in a typical class now). Drew's teacher has been really good about working in small groups at higher levels. There are a couple other kids in his class that can read some and she pulls them out and they do reading and math and other more advanced work. Drew is way ahead academically as well and I have expressed concern about him getting bored and acting out or hitting a plateau, etc. And they keep reassuring me that there will be plenty of advanced work for him as he goes on. He blows through workbooks and worksheets and absolutely loves it. He has his Kindergarten Assessment next week and I am just crazy over the whole thing!

    I guess I wouldn't just consider her maturity level now, but about in the later grades. She will always be the youngest and I guess to me that gets a little scary when you start talking about things like puberty, driving, dating, spring break, prom, etc....
