
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

more than you ever wanted to know about my computers

Before I was born my mom worked in medical records and my dad was a stockbroker.  My mom then stayed home with my sister and I until we started school. Eventually my parents bought condominiums at Myrtle Beach and my mom was able to run the business of renting them from our home.  We had our first computer and it was so slow.  That was before Windows and during the time when everything worked from the DOS prompt.


We bought the second computer which was a lot faster and we started a home network.  We nicknamed the old computer Turtle and called the new one Myrtle (Turtle because of it's speed, or lack thereof, and Myrtle because our condominiums were at Myrtle Beach).

As the business grew, my dad quit his job to work at renting condos full-time with my mom.  I'm not sure why, but they named the next few computers Max, Maud, and Mildred.  When we became Harry Potter fans in the late 90s we named a new computer Harry.

When I went to college, naturally I had to stay with family tradition and name my new Dell desktop as well.  I called it Percy (also named after a character in the Harry Potter series).  My next computer was named Hermione and then Neville.  More recently, my husband jumped on board and called his newest Luna.

I don't think it's weird at all that we name our computers.  After all we are a tech family and we enjoy our gadgets.  Some people name their cars, we just name our PCs.  It certainly helps with networking.

Do you think I'm weird?  What inanimate objects have names at your house?  What should be the name of my next computer?

1 comment:

  1. I had Franklin also, but Seth and I have never named ours at home. We'll have to come up with one!
