
Monday, October 17, 2011

Big Servin'

On Saturday we participated in The Big Serve through my church, The Summit.  There were groups all over the county serving the community in different ways such as making meals for the firemen, working the concession stand at local high school football games, building Habitat houses, and landscaping at local schools.

We served with a group at a nearby elementary school.  Coincidentally, it was Julianna's school, which made it a little more special for her.  There was one group of folks that raked leaves, pulled weeds, and planted flowers outside at the school and another group that helped paint in the gym and put some bookshelves together.  We did a little of both.

I, of course, did a bit more babysitting than working and I felt a little guilty about this but I decided to stay and at least let my kids see everyone else serving the Lord by volunteering in the community.  We had a beautiful day to do it too.

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