
Sunday, December 18, 2011

actions don't always speak louder than words

One night last week Jonathan and I did this Five Love Languages Assessment one night last week.  We had read the book and taken the assassessment early in our marriage but I saw it on another blog recently and we decided to do it again.  It was amazing to see the slight changes in our Love Languages.

Here are my results:

11 Words of Affirmation
7 Quality Time
0 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
6 Physical Touch

Apparently, 12 is the highest score you can get in one area and I think my Words of Affirmation score has crept up a little bit in the last few years.  At any rate, it was very interesting to revisit this and analyze the results once again.

If you are in a serious relationship I highly encourage you to take a look at this yourself and if you haven't read the book, it'd be a great Christmas gift to yourself or your significant other.

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