
Monday, May 13, 2013

It was a nice idea...

I think I'd like to make this a regular series here on A is for beautiful.  I'd love to know about your nice ideas as well.
  • It was a nice idea to get up early and get my run in before work this morning but sleeping in sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to buy chicken, kale, salad greens, squash, sweet potatoes, and quinoa at the grocery store this week but since I haven't had time to cook getting take-out sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to go to the library last week and check out two new books to start and twenty new ones to read to the kids, but since we haven't had time with the kids lately snuggling on the couch and talking for a few minutes before bath and bed sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to plan on a lazy weekend at home this past weekend, but with all of the events going on in our town Saturday and Sunday going to local celebrations sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to try to lose my last 15 pounds quickly so that I could meet my goal by summer, but losing the weight slowly and making sure I'm letting my good habits stick sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to think I could clear out my feed reader by the end of the weekend, but just marking all remaining posts "as read" and spending time with my family on Mother's Day sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to think I'd go back and watch all of this season's Survivor episodes online and get myself caught up, but watching Breaking Bad on Netflix with Jonathan each weekend sounded better.
  • It was a nice idea to try to do Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 for thirty straight days, but one or two times a week sounded better.

Please play along! Leave a comment and tell me what was a nice idea you had lately that didn't pan out?

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