
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

links i love

This one combines my love of technology, graphic design, typography, and running.  Triple LOVE. Student creates typeface from his runs.


My dad shared this link with me and I thought it was interesting enough to share. 31 Charts That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity


Permission to leave work early most days? Thank you, I believe I will.


We are trying to get our number of followers up on our personal beach condo page on Facebook.  If you would be so kind as to head over to Facebook and search for Myrtle Beach Condominiums and "like" our page I would be so grateful.


Heather's Dish has been tickling me to death lately.  I'm impressed with her ability to convey a lot of what I think but can't ever write.  I'm impressed with her photographs, her genuine and bare heart, and her recipes. Check out this one for Chicken and Leeks with Spicy Plum Chutney. Mmmmmm....


This little bit about How to Stay Motivated has resonated with me since I read it more than a week ago.  I just went back and read it again and .... just wow.  Take a quick minute to read it if you've  been lacking some drive or debating about committing to something.

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