
Monday, August 5, 2013

on aging and Buffalo part 1

How much fun would this be? Ok, so I may be a little more adventurous the older I get, but I'm probably not quite adventurous enough to do most of these things. However, I still think it's an awesome list and I learn to be even more adventurous as I age.


Jonathan had to fly to Buffalo, NY at the end of July for work.  He only had to be there on Wednesday so we flew with him on Tuesday and came home Thursday.  It was a short trip, but also loaded with fun and a great adventure for the kids.  Since Baby Jane's arrival I've never taken the time to post about it until now.

on the way to the airport

on the bus from parking lot to airport
so excited waiting to board

It was both Julianna and Joshua's first time flying.  They thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm so glad we got to go.

just before takeoff
We had a layover in Atlanta on the way there and in Detroit on the way home which was fun because we got to tour multiple airports.  We rode the subway in the Atlanta airport to get from one terminal to the other.

looking at a map

on the train
We got a rental car for Jonathan to do his work thing and we made sure to stay in a hotel with a pool since we knew we'd be trapped for a little while without a car while he was working.  The kids loved the rental car and they loved the chance to swim in a hotel pool.  It's such fun to see what brings them joy especially when it's little things that are no big deal to us.

putting car seats in the rental car

My favorite part that first day was of course our dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  I've never eaten there and always wanted to and my burger was delicious! Also probably a thousand calories, but worth it.

After dinner and walking around the nearby mall we headed back to the hotel to get a good night's rest since we knew we'd have a big day the next day.


  1. It's so nice to be able to tag-along on a business trip! Glad you guys had fun!

  2. I LOVE Cheesecake Factory. We have one within 2 miles of us but rarely go, and it's always a special treat when we do.
