
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

bullets of randomness (brought to you by Speculoos Cookie Butter with Cocoa Swirl)

  • Julianna was chosen from her class to receive the Good Citizen award.  She wants to know, "Why do they always pick me?"
  • Josh being in the mountains last week was a good change of pace for both kids. Julianna has especially enjoyed it.  She says she doesn't want him to come back, but I know that's not really true. A midst the "I'm bored" and "It's too quiet" complaints I've heard from her this week, she has also gotten to select prizes at school and she's brought home extras for him too.  Then we talked to him on the phone the other night and he told me about going to the Candy Barrel in the mountains and selecting two pieces of everything so he could share one with Jules when he got home.  These moments are few and far between so I better make note of them when I can!

  • Our 11th anniversary is next week.  A sure sign that I'm either getting too old or I've been married too long: I tried to look myself up in a high school yearbook the other day and I couldn't find my name in the index.  It turns out I was looking for my married name not my maiden name.

  • Along the same lines, Jonathan's mom came over to keep the kids one night so we could go out to dinner and celebrate our anniversary.  It was so nice to squeeze in some time for just us in between all of our other commitments.  We ate at Carrabba's and then went to see Gravity.  I was skeptical about the movie but it turned out that I liked it a lot. It took a bit for my heart rate to come down after it was over.

  • Trader Joe's now carries Cookie Butter with Cocoa Swirl.  It would just be mean to tell you how good it is and not share with you so let's just leave it at that.

  • Yesterday my mom was talking with Josh about what presents he wants for his birthday. After telling her he wanted dinosaurs and a Spider-Man shirt and a few other silly things he said "I think Jules wants a new Lucy. Give one to me and I will just give it to her."

  • After a horrible day at school yesterday I went to the track to work out with my running group and we did something new and fun. Between everyone in the group we completed 500 miles in just under an hour. It was pretty amazing to see the tick marks fill up the board and giving high-fives to each person as we each completed 400m was encouraging.  The 40-second-turned-3-second recovery in between each lap made it a pretty vigorous workout, which is the perfect cure for a horrible day.

I'm out of time for today. Have a good one!

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