
Thursday, March 12, 2015

the best birthday week

Last Thursday was my birthday and it was one of the best birthdays I've had in a while.  All of the snow and mixed up schedules we'd had for the two weeks before it was really making me crazy and then to have my birthday thrown in a week where we seriously had too much to do... well, it wasn't looking too promising.

On Monday I had an incredible amount of fun at the social run with Fleet Feet. I got to eat some fabulous food with friends at The Porch. Tuesday I was relieved of Jury Duty and then had another wonderful 6 mile hill run with my training group that night.

On Wednesday I had my weigh out for my Diet Bet and I just barely made it. Then it was the only night we had free so we celebrated with friends and family at my favorite restaurant for dinner. That's all I ever want for my birthday... a good meal with family. One of my friends wrote out 37 reasons she loves me which was incredibly sweet and made me smile from ear to ear.

It was gloriously sunny and 68 degrees. On Thursday they were calling for snow and freezing rain again but I didn't mind.

My husband and kids had entered me in the WBFJ radio station birthday contest so they announced my birthday on the radio that morning. I was already at work so I didn't get to hear it but the kids did and they were so excited.

We had done the same thing for Josh in October and when they announced his name they incorrectly pronounced it Josh Too-Ker so when Josh told me they might say my name on the radio he said, "We'll enter you as long as you don't mind being called Too-Ker."

Jonathan delivered a big bunch of tulips to work for me.

We had a normal dinner Thursday night at home and then Jules and I had to head to Summit Runners at our church. They had a great shoe talk/demonstration that night with Keith Davis from Fleet Feet and then Jules and I ran 2 miles together in the snow flurries and freezing drizzle. It was so much fun to have that chance to do something so unique on my birthday and have the quality time with Jules.

I went to bed very happy.

Friday morning I didn't hear it but I went on a field trip with my classes at school and apparently they chose me as the winner of the Birthday Bundle on WBFJ. Jonathan and the kids were on their way to school and the kids were so excited to hear my name and then Jonathan's voice on the radio when he called in for me.

When I got back from my field trip they called me up to the office at the end of the day and there was Vern with a big cake from Ketchie Creek Bakery. He told me I'd won the prize pack and it included tickets to the ACC Tournament and a bunch of CDs and a T-shirt, etc. Everyone was clapping and congratulating me.

It was the great start to an awesome weekend and overall a fantastic birthday week!

Many thanks to WBFJ for the terrific birthday surprise, for the incredible music and goodies. Thanks to Ketchie Creek for the beautiful and delicious cake and to the ACC for the fun tickets. Thanks, friends, for being a special part of my life and for all of your sweet birthday wishes. I hope each of you have an equally wonderful birthday this year.

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