
Monday, December 5, 2005

weekend re-cap

Julianna is about 13 inches this week. Here is a picture of what she should look like. She has been a great baby lately and not caused too much trouble although she is growing fast. He he. :) My uterus is supposed to be the size of a soccer ball this week and I think it looks more like a basketball even though Jonathan said it looked smaller. I just know that my back has really started to bother me a lot from carrying the extra weight. At least I did exercise on Saturday.

This weekend was a great one. We didn't do too much which was fabulous! Saturday I cooked and cleaned all morning and then that night we went to the Sunday School Christmas party. That was a lot of fun. We ate yummy food and played Dirty Santa. Some of the gifts were hilarious! Sunday we went to church and then afterwards Jonathan and I more or less finished up all of the Christmas shopping. I only have one or two very small things left to get. I don't think I have ever been done this early. We spent last night being lazy and relaxing. It was just great. Only twelve and a half days until Christmas break and I am ready! I plan on getting lots of my maternity leave lesson plans ready over Christmas break so that I don't have to get it all together in month nine.

Oh I also had another nice surprise this weekend. I got my Curves paycheck for over Thanksgiving and I was paid 8 hours for the holiday. That was really nice and I wasn't expecting it. I work there only tonight and Thursday this week and although I have tons of Student Council stuff to work on this week it should be a good week too. Tomorrow night Karen and Travis are coming over for dinner I think. Also I am supposed to have my lasik one-year follow-up appointment this week which is good because I have started to notice my eyes being a lot drier this week and I wanted to ask about it. Then I noticed that the baby websites say that dry-eye is a common pregnancy side effect and apparently based on the swelling last night you can call me Big Foot for the next three and a half months! :)

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