
Friday, January 6, 2006

happy friday!

Well, the nursery is getting there. I put some more pictures up on the pictures page, but not the most recent ones yet. Jonathan put the letters on the walls last night and then put the curtains up. We're going to have to make some adjustments to the curtain rod, but we'll wait and let mom advise on that. The letters look weird too which is a little disappointing. I think I will make some adjustments to the bows at the top and then see what that looks like. If it still looks bad, we might have to adjust the nail positions so it doesn't look so weird. I'll try to get some pictures up this weekend.

I'm so glad it's Friday. I have a busy weekend ahead and an even busier week next week, but it looks like that's just how this month is going to go. I have to work at Curves tonight and I don't usually work on Friday nights but the lady that I work with is having leg surgery. I also have to work there tomorrow morning. Saturday night is a Marsh Furniture people dinner; Sunday night is stamp club; Monday night is Curves and childbirth class; Tuesday night is a hair cut appointment; Wednesday night is a doctor's appointment and long staff meeting; Thursday night is Curves; and Friday night is Curves. Agh! At least I enjoyed a nice nap yesterday evening and got a good night's sleep last night. Our couch might actually be ready to move in next Saturday and then Sunday is a friend's baby shower. It will be fun to go to one that's not mine.

Jonathan and I had an interesting discussion last night about a random topic. It actually started out as a gripe session from me about an issue at work, but ended up being a very nice discussion about our opinions on internet safety and monitoring your child's use of it, etc. I am just so very thankful that we seem to agree on little issues like that because even though at the time, we were not discussing our family personally, the conversation left many implications for how we will raise Julianna and I am very glad that we are "on the same page" about stuff like that. God gave me a good hubby. :)

I am also dealing with a lot of guilt right now about what a pitiful wife I've been lately. I never cook dinner any more. I hardly have time to go to the grocery store much less plan and cook a coordinated meal. I never exercise and as I've repeatedly said before, I'm just so tired when I get home at night that all I want to do is sit for the hour or so before bedtime. I know that it is only going to get worse when the baby arrives, but for right now I find myself crying a lot because I feel so bad that I don't get everything done that I should. I especially feel for Jonathan having to deal with such an unclean house with no decent food to eat and such an irritable, emotional wife. He's put up with a lot during this pregnancy too!

That's all I have time for now. I have to go get something done! Hope you all have a terrific Friday!

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