
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

36 and counting...

I had an absolutely wonderful Valentine's Day. I ran errands after school and then ate a good dinner with Jonathan and Whit. We had yummy brownies, ice cream, and chocolate strawberries for dessert. Jonathan gave me the NCSU crib mobile that I was wanting and then he put it together. How sweet! :) Then I was lazy for an hour or so watching American Idol before going to bed really early. I wish every day could be Valentine's Day.
Julianna had an extremely active day yesterday. I don't know if it was just that I had eaten a lot and she didn't have a lot of room to move around or if my clothes were extra tight or what, but anyway, it was certainly very easy to tell that she was there yesterday.

I know that everyone says that the last four weeks are the hardest and I'm afraid they might be right. I still have five weeks left and yesterday I just really noticed how slow I am moving- getting in and out of the car, walking up steps, etc. I am so exhausted and I know it will only get worse. Whit and Jonathan commented on how red and splotchy my belly was last night. I think it's because of all of the skin stretching, but I can't see it except from far away in the mirror. It takes me almost 30 minutes longer to get ready in the mornings now. Ugh. At least a very nice man at Harris Teeter loaded my groceries into the car for me yesterday.

My daily inbox email this morning had a quote by C. Everett Koop that said, "Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation." I like that. I am naturally scared of the responsibility, but also consider it a privilege to bring Julianna into the world. Thirty six days and counting...

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