
Monday, February 20, 2006

help me set my priorities in order

I should have done more work this past weekend. I feel guilty, stressed, and way behind. So far my morning has been crazy. I have not stopped. Part of the problem lies in the fact that I got to work late because I slept late because I was counting on snow. Dumb weather. Today was the first day in a long time that I didn't have time to do my Bible study before I left the house. Anyway, I have a lot to do this week as usual and I'll just have to get through it.

I did get the crib bedding washed last night. I also washed the cushion to the swing, bouncy seat, and some other random stuff. I am going to try to start washing the clothes and packing my stuff for the hospital tonight. Jonathan and I worked on taxes for just a little while. I didn't make any progress on my lesson plans. :(

Jonathan and I had a nice dinner at Olive Garden last night for our anniversary. We even had dessert. mmmmmmm. That could explain why I was up a whole pound this morning. And it probably also explains why I was eating Tums from midnight until three this morning.
My back is killing me. But at least I have slept well the past couple of nights. My feet and toes are so swollen that they look like little piggy's. Sorry to complain. I have had a sour attitude all weekend. I can't help but feel like it's because I haven't gotten my priorities straight since Friday. I will have to do better this week. I will write more tomorrow.

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