
Friday, February 24, 2006


Last night was my last night working at Curves. I am so relieved. I turned in my key and my staff T-shirts. They had decorated the place with balloons and crepe paper which was so sweet. The funny thing is that everyone that kept coming in to work out kept asking, "Who's leaving?" Oh well. I do hope that I can get back to going to exercise again there though after the baby is born. But how exciting is it that I will have every afternoon to go home straight from school again to be productive instead of working 12 hour days. (Except for my weekly doctor's appointments of course.) I still have so much pressure to get everything done now that I can so I am glad to have the little bit of extra time.

Yesterday the doctor's office called and I found out when I called them back that I tested postive for the group B strep test. That just means that I have to have antibiotics by IV during the delivery. She said that a lot of people do test positive and that it's nothing to worry about. They are just trying to make sure that the baby wouldn't get the bacteria in their respiratory tract so they give the antibiotics as a preventive measure. She just said I have to sign some paper at my next visit and take it with me to the hospital so they'll know to give me the IVs.

I slept SO WELL last night. I am so grateful. The last few nights had been rough. I am also looking forward to a great weekend. I have a friend coming into town that I never get to see and although the timing is not great, I am excited about getting to meet her for lunch on Saturday. I also have the Sunday School class baby shower on Sunday afternoon. That should be fun too. I am just hoping to get the tax stuff done and off to the accountant. I also want to get the house clean and make another meal to freeze for the future. Yadda, yadda... so it goes. I'm always making lists of what I want to do. Anyway, I hope you all have a terrific weekend and I'll be back on Monday! :)

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