
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

miscellaneous ramblings

March is finally here and it has definately come in like a lamb. Have you looked outside today?! It is so beautiful! I wish I could be out there enjoying the sunshine! Oh well! Spring and Summer are just around the corner. I think it is supposed to be 75 degrees tomorrow. Whoooo-hooo! If it's not going to snow then I at least want it to be warm. I hope it is warm on my birthday. Sometimes it snows.

Anyway, I made a good dinner last night. Mashed potatoes, meatloaf, peas, and asparagus. I ate too much but it was yummy. Then Jonathan and I watched "Walk The Line" which I thought was really good. I actually started on some thank you notes too. How productive! Today I have another doctor's appointment and then I'm headed home early to do more productive things. How nice it is to be able to get stuff done. (But I know I will be sad on Friday when I get my last Curves paycheck.)

Julianna's something or other is sticking in me right now. She hasn't been moving as much as she normally does but I think it's just because she hardly has any room to. Three weeks is so short! I am getting very excited! I still have lots of stuff to wash though. I need to get the breast pump ready, wash some bottles, and there are lots of bibs and socks, etc. that I haven't touched yet. Besides, I haven't put up the gifts from the last shower.

I also really need to clean the house before Rebecca and Emily come this weekend. Some friends asked if we wanted to eat at Carraba's and I NEVER pass up the opportunity to eat there, but it might not be able to happen this weekend, depending on when R & E come. That makes me sad. :( I LOVE CARRABA'S!

I am now up 33 pounds for the 2nd day in a row so I guess it's official. With 3 weeks left it looks like I will probably go over the 35 pound goal. :( Jonathan and Whitney have started their running again. I need to exercise with them, but maybe when I'm ready they will want some extra motivation and I'll be able to go with them. I hope I'll be able to run again with a little baby to care for too. We'll see... I really want to lose all of this extra weight before I head back to school in the fall. Ok, I am rambling now and I'm sure it is boring. Happy Hump Day!

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