
Tuesday, May 2, 2006

parenting is hard

Today has gone by very slowly which is weird because ever since Julianna was born the days fly by. Usually it's 3 pm before I know it and I haven't had a shower yet. Today we went to the grocery store and we spent some time with Nanna when she visited for an hour or so. We also did the usual diaper changes and outfit changes a hundred times it seems, but overall it's been a good day. When Whit gets home in a little while we are going to go for our afternoon stroll.
Jonathan and I might actually venture out on our first trip with Julianna this weekend and see how it goes trying to take a baby to the beach. It should be fun, but also and interesting adventure. The good thing is that we will not be in a hurry and have no obligations so we can take our time and do whatever we want/can.

Jules is still sleeping about 5 hours for her longest stretch (6 hours between feedings) and then she goes 2 hours and 2 hours after that. It's not that bad. It means I really only have to get up to feed her once during the middle of the night. What's so sad is that it actually takes me between 9:30 pm and 10:00 am to get 8 hours of sleep. But I also get some quality time with my little peanut. :) Oh the joys of being a parent!

Well, sometime I have to pack and since I only manage to get about one thing done each day, I better go try to be somewhat productive.

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