
Tuesday, September 5, 2006

my lovely flexible baby girl

i did something that was very uncharacteristic of me this weekend. actually, i did it twice.

i missed two of J’s naps. GASP!

but wait! i can justify myself. first, we were out of school on Friday so i went for a long overdue trip to the mall. now anyone who's had a baby knows that it is VERY slow going when shopping with a little one. needless to say i was at the mall and running other errands from 10:15 am until 2 pm. little J usually takes a nap around 12:30 or 1 pm so we totally missed that one. she slept for about thirty minutes in the stroller, but that was it. so when we came home i immediately fed her and put her down for nap # 3 (usually at 4 pm, but i put her down at 3).

then Saturday i went to a girl’s house who was selling a lot of her daughter’s old clothes for cheap-o and after that i checked one relative visit off the list (if i hear one more person say, “she’s going to be walking before I see her next” i’m gonna puke). anyway, she missed nap #3 then and was Miss Crankypants for the rest of the evening.

now for my reasoning (read: sorry excuses). i am really starting to feel like she’s in a good enough routine that she will bounce back after one or two days of being off schedule. a month ago i would NOT have done any of that. i would have stayed at home under all circumstances to protect The Nap Schedule (since i have to uphold my title as Mrs. Nap Nazi). fortunately, my instinct was right and Sunday she did just fine napping just as usual and was back to her normal cheerful self.

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