
Tuesday, April 3, 2007


A friend of ours (well sort of ours – really my parents’ friend) and his wife had a 4 week old baby boy. He also had unexplainable bruises and fatigue and was diagnosed with AML, a type of bone marrow cancer.

He was just recently released from the hospital and is able to rest at home as his cancer is now in remission. However, he was there for almost six weeks without visitors except for his wife and son. He couldn’t leave his hospital floor and over the course of the six weeks he underwent numerous chemo treatments and biopsies (and as expected, lost some hair). His wife struggled at home with their four (five, six, seven, and then eight) week old baby. You can read about their journey on his blog and post a comment or two if you have the time. I’m sure he could use some encouragement.

Anyway, my parent’s church - the church he works for as “Coordinator of Youth Ministries” - had a dinner fundraiser to raise enough funds to pay his salary for one year and keep him on staff despite the fact that he would be taking that time to recover. The goal was to raise $45,000 and to encourage donations many people committed to shaving their heads once the goal was reached. My father was one of them. He had his head shaved at church last Wednesday. Here are the before and after pictures. I think he looks pretty good. I can't address the temperature difference though.

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