
Friday, October 19, 2007

26,280,000 minutes in five years

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love makes the ride worthwhile."
-- Franklin Jones


Do you remember what you were doing five years ago this very minute? I do. I was walking down the aisle at “The Pumpkin Church.” My arm was locked in my dad’s and I was ignoring a couple hundred people seated on either side of me and instead looking straight ahead at the love of my life and focusing on not getting sappy.

After we said I do and my sister ran in to tell me that allweddingdaysarekindaimperfect (“Yourcakefell!”) but that it’sOKbecauseit’sthevows&celebratingthatmatters (“It’ll be OK. I promise! People can still eat it!”), we had the most exhausting fun together surrounded by our family. I remember so much about that day and yet I remember so little. Its cliché I know, but time flies when you’re having fun!

So needless to say the past five years have been a whir. Life has changed in more ways than I could have ever expected. Lots of times it’s seemed like those were bad changes, but I’ve always ended up being wrong in thinking that. Very wrong. I’m so thankful I’ve had someone so kind by my side, someone who genuinely cares about other people more than himself. I’m so thankful to share my life with someone so hard-working and someone so loving. I’m so thankful to have had a friend choose keep my feet warm on that balcony ten years ago. And I’m so hopeful about a bright future. Here’s to sixty five more years together!

Because being with you, Booger… being with you as the world goes round… it’s much more than worthwhile.

Love always,
Triple C

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