
Monday, October 8, 2007

an update on the big girl bed situation and cute toddler clothes

Ugh. This will be the second time I've written this post. The first time the little girl in typical tantrum style, grabbed my mouse and threw it across the room, delteing the post, of course.

When our weekend plans fell through in the middle of the week last week I actually started looking forward to doing nothing this weekend. And a lot of nothing is exactly what we did.

Friday night we stayed at home and watched a movie. Saturday morning we stayed at home and did nothing. Saturday evening we went to feed my parents' cat since they went out of town and then grabbed a quck bite to eat and headed to the mall to kill some time. Sunday morning we helped with the three year old class at church. Finally, last night we went back to feed the cat again and then had dinner with my sister and some friends.

It was really nice to not do much. We caught up on some emails and blogs, finally read some old mail that had been sitting in the drawer forever, read through some magazines and read some of our books, and watched a couple of lousy movies. My husband also got some work done that he's needing to finish soon. All in all the weekend was very refreshing.

And it was especially much needed after the crappy sleep I've been getting.

When we moved the little girl out of the crib and into the twin bed last Saturday night it went almost too well. She hardly made a peep. She woke up a tad bit earlier than normal and just sat up in bed and called, "Mama?" The next night was almost the same except when she woke up a little earlier than normal this time she got down out of bed and came over to try to open her bedroom door. She can't quite get our doors open yet (although she can open the ones at my parents' house because of the kind of doorknobs they have). Anyway, it progressviely gone downhill ever since.

She started getting a cough sometime at the beginning of the week and that kept waking her up at night. Most nights she would wake up and be able to get herself back to sleep pretty soon. A couple of nights we've actually had to go in there and quiet her down a little and we've actually put her back in the crib in the wee hours of the morning a few times. Friday night she was awake so long coughing that we finally went to buy some children's cough medicine which has helped some, but she still woke up early the past two mornings in a row. This morning she woke up early and has a little bruise across the bridge of her nose and eyelid (like she bumped into the headboard or footboard of the bed). (The bed is a low bed so she can get up and down herself and it's up against the wall with a bed rail on the other side.

We've also not had a successful nap in the bed yet. The first four or five days we didn't even try. Then one day she said she wanted to sleep in the big girl bed when I took her up for a nap, but the second I walked to the door she kept getting up and following me crying, "Mama!" So we keep putting her down in the crib for naps. Any tips on that?

Overall, I'd say it's going better than I expected but at the same time, I have so much anxiety about this whole transistion that I'm not getting good sleep either because I'm listeing to her on the monitor the whole night. I know that she can't go to college sleeping in her crib, so I'm not planning on making any changes in the current situation anytime soon. Through time she wil get used to it I'm sure.

Now, for the fun part of this post!

Saturday when we went to the mall I "pretend shopped" for fall clothes for the little girl. (I couldn't really shop because we're struggling with the one full-time salary thing right now.) It was fun nevertheless. Look at what I bought!

Gymboree sweater

I got this sweater.

Love birds Gymboree shirt

And this adorable shirt.

brown Gymboree shirt

And I LOVE this shirt.

Fall Gymboree bodysuit

Plus I got this bodysuit.

Gymboree flower swing shirt

Then I got this shirt...

Gymboree skirt

to go with this skirt...

striped Gymboree shirt

And I love pin stripes so I had to get this shirt

Gymboree Pumpkin Tee
But the best (non)purchase of the night was this adorable fall tee.

I couldn't resist this T-shirt because of the extreme cuteness in the way that Jules says "Pumpkin."

1 comment:

  1. Oh! those clothes are so cute! I wish I could have shopped with you cause I would have bought her some of them.
