
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the cookie

Now just because I couldn't stand having that post at the top of the page, here's a delightful Julianna story for you.

One day a week or two ago I was grocery shopping when a kind lady in the bakery department kept ooh-ing and aah-ing over Julianna and her “beau-ti-ful brown eyes.” The lady asked if she could give Jules a cookie and I told her I didn’t mind. Then she brought out not one, not two, but THREE Valentine sugar cookies and gave them to my daughter. The entire rest of the way through the store, Julianna could be spotted a mile away because of the neon pink icing smeared all over her face, forehead to chin. When I was putting Julianna in the car I did my best to pry the remaining two cookies from her tightly clenched hands with no such luck.

Now, keep in mind that this was early in the morning. I still had to go to my parents house and later eat lunch, let Julianna nap, go home and make dinner, etc, etc, before bedtime. I think Jonathan was working late that night or something and I had to put the girl to bed. She was so wound up she could NOT fall asleep. It was a good hour before she fell asleep and that was not until she’d laid in bed and announced “cookie all gone” a few times first.


  1. i remember that our local supermarket gave a free cookie to kids on each visit. the greatest policy EVER.
