
Sunday, May 4, 2008

around my yard

It ws so pretty outside yesterday so I went outside and took some pictures around the house while the little girl ran around. I thought they turned out pretty well. Look and see.

the house and a red/orange rose

These are the roses that I planted last year. I have a terribly black thumb. I've not really paid the roses any attention since I planted them and I was surprised to see that they are doing relatively well for being so deprived. They look so much better than I expected considering I've never really been able to grow anything. The fact that they even have one bloom on them thrills me to pieces.

another rose bush

All my life summer has been my favorite season because I love the warmth and the association of summer and vacation and being out of school and beng carefree. I still enjoy summer, but with flowers like these popping up everywhere Spring is quickly becoming the favorite season now.

Jonathan's favorite rhodedendron in the front yard

Here's one of Julianna as she took off running and quickly perched herself atop a tree stump. Don't mind the weeds all around her. I mean really! I only have time for so many things.

[hanging head in shame]

Jules sitting on a tree stump

Next we have pictures of the back yard. This one is a shot of the lovely bird house that Julianna admired for months and months at Nanna's house until one day she finally gave in and sent it home with her. No birds have taken up residence in it yet although we do have a sweet little family of bluebirds living in one of our cypress trees out back. I don't know if it's my fault or the cats that they prefer the tree to the birdhouse, but maybe some cute little birdies will move in soon.

birdhouse hanging in the tree

Finally, here are some pictures I promised a long time ago. This is what our deck looks like with the furniture back on it. It has been sooooo nice to have that new sitting area the past few weeks as the weather has warmed up.

side view of the finished-for-now deck

Look at those gorgeous flowers!

back view of the finished-for-now deck

And here are a couple before pictures just so you can tell how impressive this really is.

Old deck BEFORE

old deck BEFORE

New deck BEFORE

new deck BEFORE

New deck AFTER

back view of the finished-for-now deck

Thanks for visiting my yard! Come back to see us!


  1. The deck looks so great! I'm sure you're going to have a lot of great times on it for years to come!

  2. Wow, your house, yard and deck are beautiful. I love summer time too.

  3. Wow - roses are beautiful! They're hard to grow down here b/c of disease and fungus. Deck looks great - let's BBQ! I especially like how the little one has her own lounge chair. :)

  4. I am loving your house, we don't have beautiful greenery out here in AZ. I am so jealous. What a great deck too. Looks great! I love flowers too, the great thing about AZ is that we ahve flowers just about all year. Roses are great. The can take a lot of ignoring and still come out looking great. You are truely blessed.
