
Saturday, June 21, 2008

one of the best days

Although it started off rough, today has been one of the best days. We went to Tanglewood and walked/ran a 5k. I haven't run in so long and as usual it made me feel so good about myself to do it. I was horrible and only averaged the entire race at about 4 mph, but I was pushing the jogging stroller and I am 8 weeks pregnant so I'll take it.

After that we went to my parents house to take showers and then we drove to Courtney for a family reunion luncheon. I never complain about covered dish lunches and the pecan pie was lip-smackin' good.

When we got home we took late afternoon naps and then waited for Jonathan to get home with the new swingset. We unloaded it and then went to Chick-fil-a for dinner and now we're home to watch the latest from the Netflix queue.

It couldn't have been a better Saturday.

What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. That's the coolest swingset. Wow - they didn't have that stuff when we were kids! I remember my swingset being metal with two or three swings and a slide. Times have changed...
