
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

this week in numbers

It's only Tuesday.

Number of cards I've made so far: 24
Dollars spent on fast food: 14
Number of iPods missing: 1
Loads of laundry still to do: 4
Naps taken: 2
Days until The Mole airs again: 6
Minutes spent hugging the toilet trying not to vomit: no less than 30
Number of articles of clothing I've resisted buying at the store: 11 (YAY ME!)
Number of articles of clothing that actually made it all the way home: 3 + 1 pair of flip-flops for Jules
Times my daughter has sang "Happy Birthday, Pap!": 2,391 (his birthday is in a month)


  1. I have not decided if I should ask for a Monkey Cake or what? I hope to have ice cream and cake. Maybe Jules has an idea for me.

  2. man, i am so pissed i missed the mole. i love that show.
