
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

for my future son-in-law

*Note: This is one of those posts that I pondered greatly before deciding to broadcast it all over the interwebs.  Well, here it is.  You should be thrilled that I am sacrificing my child's embarrassment for your entertainment.  I DO realize that I'm going to have to take this one down when Jules gets to middle school.  Or maybe even as soon as she learns to read.

For a while now I have avoided taking showers with my daughter.  Where it used to be an easy, much-needed time saver to just get her to hop in with me, it had slowly become more of a prodding, poking-fest with mama's boobies.  I decided that 3 may be the cutting point. 

So on Sunday, when we were due at church in 30 minutes and she hadn't had a bath the night before I caved and asked her to take a shower with me.  Jonathan had already gone to work in one of the children's classrooms and she was filthy from playing hard outside the day before.  

We are standing there in the bathroom getting undressed and Julianna looks up at me in all of my pregnant naked glory and says...

wait for it...

"Mama, I like Daddy's hiney better than yours!"