
Friday, June 12, 2009

getting to know you

I copied this idea from another blog.  Brownie Points, I think...?  Anyway, thought it was cute so here it is.  

Twenty questions.  Post your answers in the comments if you want to play along.  Come on.  You know you've got nothing better to do this afternoon.  :)

  1. summer television: waste of time or guilty pleasure?
  2. baked potatoes: butter, sour cream, bacon bits, chives, cheese?  any or all?
  3. Facebook: must-do or proud resister?
  4. coupon clipping: yes or no?
  5. babyback ribs or key lime pie?
  6. Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?
  7. ocean waves or lazy river?
  8. pickles: dill or sweet?
  9. the economy: still ick or rebounding?
  10. eBay or Craigslist?
  11. Mexican food or sushi?
  12. Edward, Jacob, or who cares?
  13. pregnancy dreams: annoying or humorous?
  14. summer thunderstorms: music to your ears or pain in the rear?
  15. online games: good way to pass the time at work on a Friday or who has the time?
  16. So You Think You Can Dance: addicting entertainment or yawn?
  17. beach or mountains?
  18. hardback or paperback?
  19. Pepsi or Coke?
  20. Ellie or Josh?  any bets?


  1. 1) summer television: guilty pleasure
    2) baked potatoes: butter, bacon bits, cheese
    3) Facebook: is there a middle ground?
    4) coupon clipping: yes
    5) babyback ribs or key lime pie? BOTH
    6) Jeopardy
    7) ocean waves
    8) pickles: no thank you!
    9) the economy: i refer to it as getting used to the sickness (is that pessimistic rebound or the other way around)
    10) eBay - for the audience size
    11) Mexican food
    12) Jacob
    13) pregnancy dreams: annoying (but I don't hear them all)
    14) summer thunderstorms: music to your ears
    15) online games: addicting
    16) So You Think You Can Dance: addicting entertainment
    17) beach
    18) paperback
    19) Pepsi
    20) I can only hope for Josh!

  2. 1. guilty fo' sho'
    2. i'll take all of the above!
    3. must-do
    4. yes, but so hard to stay motivated. it's sooo dawnting.
    5. key lime pie
    6. love me some jeps
    7. waves from the ocean
    8. pickles: dill or sweet? both!
    9. the economy: what's wrong w/ it. kidding!!!!!! still ick
    10. eBay or Craigslist? ebay
    11. Mexican
    12. Edward -not quite sure what this is ref. to but i like Ed.
    13. pregnancy dreams: annoying or humorous? humorous for the x factor, annoying cause sometimes nightmares are soooo vivid.
    14. pain in the rear cause the dog is alll over me.
    15. online games: good way to pass the time at work on a Friday
    16. So You Think You Can Dance: addicting entertainment
    17. beach, i don't even know what moutains are.
    18. hardback
    19. Coke
    20. Josh

  3. 1. summer television: guilty pleasure
    2. baked potatoes: butter, sour cream, cheese.
    3. Facebook: I'm with your friend-is there a middle ground?
    4. coupon clipping: yes
    5. key lime pie
    6. Wheel of Fortune
    7. ocean waves-I guess that's why we live 10 miles from the beach.
    8. pickles: dill
    9. the economy: still ick
    10. Craigslist-we've sold a lot of there and Chad bought a truck we found on there
    11.Mexican food
    12. Jacob
    13. pregnancy dreams: humorous
    14. summer thunderstorms: music to your ears
    15. online games: who has the time
    16. So You Think You Can Dance: yawn
    17. beach
    18. paperback
    19. Coke
    20. Oh, I hope Josh. Chad and Jon would love to have a boy named Josh in the family.

  4. 1. summer television: guilty pleasure
    2. baked potatoes: butter, bacon bits, cheese.
    3. Facebook: eh....neither. not addicted to this but check in about 1x/day
    4. coupon clipping: yup
    5. babyback ribs or key lime pie? definitely key lime.
    6. Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune? neither
    7. ocean waves or lazy river? depends on my mood. i have to say that a the moment a lazy river sounds AWESOME.
    8. pickles: dill
    9. the economy: still ick
    10. eBay or Craigslist? craigslist
    11. Mexican food or sushi? mexican!!
    11. Edward, Jacob, or who cares? EDWARD. Love, love, love edward.
    12. pregnancy dreams: annoying or humorous? annoying b/c i wake up and can't go back to sleep.
    13. summer thunderstorms: music to your ears or pain in the rear? music to my ears (as long as it doesn't knock out the power)
    13. online games: good way to pass the time at work on a Friday or who has the time? not really a good way to pass time but i'm so addicted.
    14. So You Think You Can Dance: addicting entertainment or yawn? addicting!! Love this show!
    15. beach or mountains? beach
    16. hardback or paperback? paperback
    17. Pepsi or Coke? eh...regular coke and diet pepsi
    18. Ellie or Josh? any bets? no idea what this is.
