
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

dentist starts with d

Julianna went to the dentist today and she did so well.  I cannot believe how old it made her seem to be such a big girl doing such brave things.  She went briefly to the dentist once before when she prematurely lost a baby tooth in the Spring, but today she actually had her teeth cleaned and she did a great job.  

She picked out a purple toothbrush and chocolate chip cookie (ew) toothpaste and then opened wide.  She laid down on the chair just as she was supposed to.  She didn't seem afraid at all and although she was a little confused about the "straw water sucker" and forgot to let go of it at one point, she did everything the hygienist asked her to do. 

When the dentist came to look at her teeth she said they looked great.  There appears to be plenty of room for her permanent teeth to come and and she had no cavities.  They still don't really know what caused her tooth to fall out a while back, but she said there's nothing to worry about at this point.  After it was all done, Jules told me it was my turn and then she also asked if she could stay and watch Noggin.  

I know it's silly, but I am just so proud of her I can hardly stand it.  

More to come later.  Been having tons of contractions and went to the doctor this morning so I'll have to give an update soon...


  1. Oh I am so proud of her too!
    I certainly would have chosen the chocolate chip cookie without the toothpaste! :)

  2. How wonderful! I am proud of her too!
