
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

thank you

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me over the last two years.  As you know, I quit teaching when Julianna was a baby and have been wanting as well as needing to get back to work for some time now.

I've considered many job opportunities and nothing was exactly what I wanted or ever panned out.  I've spent countless hours considering my options and for the last two school years I always went back to the flexibility of being a substitute teacher instead of settling for a position teaching part-time or teaching in a subject area/school that I didn't want. 

Last year I had a couple of interviews at schools that ended up filling the positions with surplus employees from elsewhere in the county (thanks NC, for your wonderful budget cuts).  This year I had two interviews just before school began and when I hadn't heard anything back from either school before the teacher work days started then I just assumed that I hadn't gotten either job.  Then, around lunch time the day before school started I got a call offering me one of the positions - a position as the full-time technology teacher in the magnet program at a science and technology middle school.  I accepted and started work the very next day.  Fortunately, the county did have a substitute to helpe me out the first couple of days of school.

Anyway, the only way I can describe the way the last two weeks have been is like a whirlwind.  I had to scramble to come up with childcare for both kids.  Julianna already went to preschool five mornings a week but now I had to find somewhere for her to go each afternoon and I didn't want to consider daycare.  I also had to figure out what to do with Josh.  It's not ideal, but he's going to the same preschool as Jules and then one of the preschool teachers will spend the afternoon with them both at home until I get out of school. 

I feel overwhelmed.  I feel lucky.  Most of all I feel happy.  Thank you for praying.  God is good!


  1. That is awesome! Congrats. It's great that you were able to wait until the perfect position came along. :)

  2. WOW! What a whirlwind! I hope this job is exactly what you wanted. Good luck!
