
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

if it's not one thing, it's another

This week...?

Is going to be the death of me.  True story.

Josh broke out in hives all over his torso, thighs, and back of his neck yesterday.  Is it from his first flu shot which he got the day before yesterday?  Is it from the Augmentin he's on for his double ear infection?  Is it from a random virus?  Or could it be the other 4 vaccinations he got at his one year well-check the day before yesterday?  Or is it from the dandruff shampoo I got in his eyes while bathing him the night before?  (giant parenting FAIL)  Who knows?!  They want us to bring him in again today to look at the rash and probably/possibly stop the antibiotics if his ear have cleared up.


Yesterday at school a girl took her shirt off in my class.  That's all I'm going to say about that.


Monday I had a mentor/mentee meeting after school and then Julianna gymnastics.  Tuesday faculty meeting followed by taking tickets at the football game.  Wednesday is preschool Halloween costume party and trick-or-treating, plus we have early dismissal for the end of the grading period and I have to make sure I get my grades in for report cards.  I can't see past that so I'm not sure I'll make it to Friday.


I lost my flash drive somewhere last week in between the pediatrician, Target pharmacy, and the preschool.  I'm feeling the repercussions of that now.  Ugh.  You would think a technology teacher would back up her work.  You would be wrong.


So... how are you?


  1. Yikes! That's quite the week so far! Just curious, but how old is the girl that took her shirt off...please tell me she's only 4...
