
Thursday, November 4, 2010

really? five years?

I started keeping an online journal of sorts at the end of October 2005. That means that recently I reached five years of blogging.  I've lost a lot of my posts as I changed from various blogging platforms and I've definitely lost a lot of my pictures, but for the most part it's all here.

Thank you for sticking around to read my ramblings. I love having the blog to keep up with my life long after I’ve forgotten, but having you guys around really make the ride worthwhile. I genuinely appreciate you.

To celebrate me having kept up with something for this long, I’ve created a little game for us all to play. Because we like games, right? At least games with prizes.


Post your answers to the following questions in the comments. The person who gets the most questions correct will win all of my leftover Halloween candy. I’m just kidding. I will send the person with the most correct answers two boxes of handmade Christmas cards (leftover from my days of card making) and, because I’m such a huge fan of this site these days, a $20 gift certificate. If two people tie then I will split the prize and send half to each. Not that that many people will participate, but if more people than two should happen to tie, then we’ll have a bonus round to determine the winner.

This giveaway ends on November 18th at midnight, just in time to get your Christmas cards addressed and mailed before December arrives.

  1. What did my kids wear for their first Halloween costumes?
  2. What are our pets names?
  3. Give one date that I participated in any running event.
  4. What did we do for my aunt and my dad’s birthday this past summer that required a purchase from Lowe’s Home Improvement?
  5. Name one of the recipes that I posted for Recipe Wednesday.
  6. In what month of what year did I have a miscarriage?
  7. What is “Dorky Chickenbutt”?
  8. At what restaurant can you get a really, really large banana split?
  9. Have you clicked my BlogHer ads before?
  10. What did Jules do with her dance outfit on the first afternoon she had dance lessons?

*My family is not eligible to win; they may participate, but will not win the prize.

**Full disclosure: The prizes for this giveaway are 100% from me, to thank you for being my blog friends. The prizes were not donated and this post was not sponsored although that link up there for Groupon is a referral link.  If you click it and purchase a Groupon I get $10 of credit.  And if you haven't signed up for Groupon's daily deals yet, then why not?  It's awesome.


  1. 2 - Dog - Light
    6 - Sometime between June, 2008 and Sept. 2008
    9 - I think I have
    10 - wore the toto around her neck. LOL

    Okay, so that is my best attempt from memory, without doing any research. If I have time to do some research later tonight, I will try to answer some more.

  2. Okay, found some more answers -
    3 - April 14th, 2007 (or maybe that was just a 10k your sister did, I am not sure).
    4 - big banana split, used a 10 foot gutter.

  3. 1. What did my kids wear for their first Halloween costumes? Not sure for jules but i think josh was a peapod.

    2. What are our pets names? (twi)light and simon

    3. Give one date that I participated in any running event. 11/6/10

    4. What did we do for my aunt and my dad’s birthday this past summer that required a purchase from Lowe’s Home Improvement? made a huge banana split in a gutter...such a neat idea, btw

    5. Name one of the recipes that I posted for Recipe Wednesday.

    6. In what month of what year did I have a miscarriage? Aug

    7. What is “Dorky Chickenbutt”?

    8. At what restaurant can you get a really, really large banana split? BBQ center

    9. Have you clicked my BlogHer ads before? yes

    10. What did Jules do with her dance outfit on the first afternoon she had dance lessons? put her tutu around her neck

  4. I'll go from memory.

    1. What did my kids wear for their first Halloween costumes?
    Did you dress Josh up last year? He was the mushroom this year.

    2. What are our pets names?
    Light is your dog.

    3. Give one date that I participated in any running event.

    Oh, man. Recently. :)

    4. What did we do for my aunt and my dad’s birthday this past summer that required a purchase from Lowe’s Home Improvement?
    Made a huge sundae in the gutter.

    5. Name one of the recipes that I posted for Recipe Wednesday.

    6. In what month of what year did I have a miscarriage?
    I think it was August.

    7. What is “Dorky Chickenbutt”?

    8. At what restaurant can you get a really, really large banana split?

    9. Have you clicked my BlogHer ads before?

    10. What did Jules do with her dance outfit on the first afternoon she had dance lessons?
    Wore it around her neck.
