
Friday, December 3, 2010

Every year around the holidays I struggle with the same dilemma. Like most families we have our standard Christmas events and celebrations that we try to go to: a visit with Santa at the mall, our small group church party, the Christmas program and choir party for Jonathan’s Grandmother’s church, watching certain Christmas shows on TV, sometimes a Christmas Love Feast, the Festival of Lights at Tanglewood, decorating a Gingerbread house, etc.

Then there are the other events going on in our town: various productions of A Christmas Carol, various Christmas Tree Lightings, holiday parades, holiday celebrations at local Museums, live nativity displays, choral concerts, special craft workshops, ice skating, newly released movies, downtown carriage rides, and holiday open houses. The list could go on but, quite frankly, my brain is fried already and it’s only December 3rd.

My trouble lies in choosing which traditional events to keep in the schedule and which new events to try out. How do you find balance between both when there’s simply not room?  It seems like you have to skip one of the traditions in order to try out something new.  When we have somewhere to be every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of December, I find it extremely hard to squeeze in anything but the same old things we do every year even though I hear about so many awesome things going on around my town.

What does your family do each year? Do you try to stick with the same traditional events or do you see what your city has to offer new each year? Do you try to do a mix of both and if so, how do you find the time?  And how do you decide what to do?  Take a minute to vote below and if you choose option three, please share with me in a comment.  I really have trouble making these kinds of decisions.

What kind of holiday events does your family attend each year?
We try to stick with traditional events because those are the things that are most important to us.
There are so many fun things to do at the holidays. We try to do something new each year.
We try a mix of both. free polls

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to figure this out, also. I want to start our own traditions, but we also have obligations to spend certain times with family (only B's family is nearby, which is good and bad).

    I think each family has to find a balance as to what is important to you. Is it important to try new things? Then cut some of the old traditions out so you can. Is it more important to do those traditions? Then don't feel badly about missing out on the play down the street. I don't think you can go wrong as long as your focus is Christ and quality family time.
