
Monday, June 6, 2011

preschool graduation

On Tuesday, Julianna graduated from preschool.  I could not be more proud of her.  Before everything started we got some pictures in the church parlor with the other kids.

Then I headed to the sanctuary to wait for the ceremony to begin.   The kids came in and sang three songs together and then they sang one song with solos.  My daughter sang the loudest I'm sure, and her strong southern accent rang out throughout the church.  I'll just go ahead and state for the record that I cried pretty hard when they sang this song. 

The director of the preschool said a few words and the pastor of the church spoke for just a minute.  They handed out the diplomas and got to hug their teacher.  It was a nice ceremony and Jules looked absolutely adorable with her hat falling off the back of her head the whole time. 

There was a reception afterward in the fellowship hall and we ate chips and cake and watched a slide show of pictures from the school year. 

Question of the day:

How did my baby get to be this big?!

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