
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

around the interwebs

I saw this a month or two ago on not martha, I think it was but I'm too lazy to go back and link directly to the post.  Anyway, it got me curious as to which sites I visit often that I wouldn't normally think of.  She opened a new browser window and typed in each letter of the alphabet to see which sites pop up first for each letter.  Here were mine a few minutes ago:

A is for Amazon
I look up stuff there every day it seems like.  Most recently I visited to price a Pokemon Wii game for Jules.

B is for
I still use this URL shortener for all kinds of posts, but mostly for links to our condo rentals.

C is for
Don't know why this one came up since the only show I've been following this summer is Big Brother and Survivor isn't even on right now, but whatever.

D is for
Obviously, this one for financial info.

E is for
I love Ebates.  Whenever I buy something online I go there first to get extra cash back from my purchases.  Check it out if you haven't tried it!

F is for
An oatmeal breakfast cookie recipe I tried recently.

G is for
I log all of the books I read here and also keep track of books I want to read soon on there.

H is for
Another healthy living blog I read regularly.

I is for
I guess the "I" is from mail or inbox and not surprisingly I visit my gmail inbox multiple times a day.

J is for
Again, what's with this Survivor thing? And why on the "J"?  Anyone? Bueller?

K is for
"K" should be for kindergarten! I can't believe my baby is starting Kindergarten in ten days!!!!

L is for
Love Living Social!  Great deals for local places there and I've also been checking out the travel deals a lot lately.

M is for
I've done surveys here for YEARS for cash.  If you'd like an invite, let me know and I'll send you one.

N is for
One of a handful of websites Julianna loves playing on.

O is for
Not sure what this was...

P is for
Another of the sites Julianna frequents.

Q is for
I use google calendar for everything.  I'm confused about the Q though and how that relates...

R is for
I used to buy these dining certificates a lot but lately they haven't been as good for my area. No doubt that's from daily deal sites like Groupon and whatnot, but nevertheless I recently tried to redeem one at a local restaurant and they wouldn't honor it so I went online to contact customer service and they sent me a free certificate.

S is for
This is another one I'm not sure about.  I haven't visited Shutterfly in a long, long time so I don't know why it came up as a recent site.  Does anyone buy picture prints anymore?

T is for
Target daily deals I check every single day.  It's like Target, but cheaper!

U is for
see "I" above

V is for
My dad works for Verizon Cellular Sales and we're an all-droid family. I probably went to the website recently to pay a bill.

W is for (Really it went to WSFCS but since I've already linked that I took the second one instead.)

X is for
Another website Julianna plays on.

Y is for
I would not consider myself to be a "YouTube" kinda person. In fact, I have a tendency to get annoyed with YouTube videos as they seem to be a huge time-waster in my opinion.  That being said, I obviously went to their site recently.  Probably to listen to this again.

Z is for
Yeah. Again, I have no idea why "Z" invoked YouTube.

So there you have it.  What websites do you frequently visit?

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