
Sunday, September 4, 2011

obligatory first day of school pictures

My baby started Kindergarten two weeks ago.  She was so very excited.  She told me on numerous occasions that she was jealous that Josh and I got to go to school several days before her.

Then we found out that her school would be doing a staggered start for the Kindergarteners.  One half of the class would go a full day on the first day of school and the other half of the class would go on the second day of school.  Can you guess which group she was placed into?  Of course, she was in the second one.  This was good and bad.  She had to be patient and wait one more day for school to start, but it also gave Jonathan a chance to get home from his business trip to Wisconsin and see her off on her first day of school.

She told us ahead of time that she was most excited about getting to ride the bus (Whoa, there hold on! We were NOT going to let her ride the bus right off the bat.) and eating in the cafeteria.  We met her teacher at open house and she seemed nice enough.  She knew exactly how to talk to a five year old.  I suppose one would after teaching at the same school for 25 years.

Julianna's school requires a Standard Mode of Dress (uniform-type clothing) for Monday through Thursday and let's just say that Jules wasn't a fan of the collared shirts.  She is fine with the outfits for everything except those and fortunately they are not required to wear collars.

We knew of several people going into Kindergarten at her new school.  One was a boy from our neighborhood, another was a little girl from church, and we knew several of the kids from her preschool class would be going to her school.  Only one of those was assigned to her same class though.  She seemed OK with that.

We all took her to school the first day and walked her into the cafeteria. You could tell she was nervous but I know more than anything she was excited.  She keeps talking about how she just wants a boyfriend .

My response: (spoken like my twelve year old self) OVER MY DEAD BODY!

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