
Thursday, September 8, 2011

on books and reading

One of my personal goals for this year was to read 40 books.  So far I've read 18 so I'm a little behind, but I'm pretty surprised at how close I'll be to actually achieving that goal since when I set the goal, I knew it would be challenging.  And since I haven't been sent any books from BlogHer Book Club lately, I've gotten to tackle some of the books that have been on my "To Read" list for a while now.  Anyway, here are some of my more recent reads and what I thought about them.

I finally got around to reading Pioneer Woman's "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" which I absolutely adored.  It's your basic love story, but there's just something so charming about that woman. As I was reading it I found myself not wanting it to end and because it's the story of her real life and how she met her husband you knew that it was going to have to end sometime.  Of course, we know from her blog that she has plenty more stories to tell and I can't wait for her to write another book and give us the next installment of her life.  Please, PW tell us about those babies!  Finish the story of how you came to know cooking so well and tell us what happens with your brother and parents.  Pretty please?

I also read the young adult book "I Am Number Four" by Pittacus Lore.  This was the book that was recently made into a movie released six months or so ago in theaters.  I'd had it on my "To Read" list for a long time.  I am a huge fan of YA series and was excited about this one.  Finding out the bit about this book being about aliens from another planet made me the slightest bit hesitant but I still wanted to give it a try and it certainly lived up to my expectations.  I will say that no, it's definitely not another Harry Potter series, but I do think it's up there on my list with The Hunger Games and Twilight books.  Like Twilight and HG, if you read it with an open mind, remembering the fact that it was written for teenagers and pre-teens then I think you will enjoy it.  As I get older I have started enjoying more sci-fi type reads as well which I never would have even considered reading when I was younger, but it's all good now. So I'm all excited about the movie and the fact that it's got Quinn from Glee in it makes it all that more exciting.  Have any of you seen it?

Little Bee was a book I kept noticing on blogs and recommendations on Facebook, etc. so I put it on my list.  Then the other day I decided to read the short Goodreads synopsis and I immediately knew what I wanted to read next.  Seriously, go read it.  Once you've read their teaser, you'll definitely want to read the book and I highly recommend doing that as well.  So hurry along folks!  Good reading awaits!

Questions of the Day:

-What good books have you read lately?

-What's the deal with orange?  Why the heck do all three of these books I enjoyed have orange covers?

-I tried to read The Pillars of the Earth, but just couldn't get into it.  I'd say I was at least a quarter of the way in when I quit.  DI you read it? Should I give it another try?

-Next up I have A Prayer for Owen Meany, Crazy Love, gods in Alabama, Winter Garden, and Sarah's Key.  Which should I read first?


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