
Sunday, September 18, 2011


Jonathan and Julianna cleaned out their change jars a few weeks ago in anticipation of the Winston-Salem Airshow that takes place every year in September at Smith Reynolds Airport.  They went last year and Julianna really wanted to ride in the helicopter. It was quite expensive and technically you are supposed to be five to ride so Jonathan promised her that she could go this year.

Well, after they rolled all of their money and counted all their bills (plus Daddy added a little bit more) they had enough to go to the airshow and take a helicopter ride.  [Man, those rides are EXPENSIVE!]  Josh and I were just going to stay home since he really should have had a nap at that time anyway and it cost $12 to get in. At the last minute my sister called and said they had gotten an extra free ticket from her sister-in-law if I wanted to use it so all four of us hopped in the car and headed that way.

After sitting in traffic for a half hour we finally made it, parked, and went on in.  The kids got to build a wooden helicopter at the Home Depot booth and Josh enjoyed playing with it for the rest of the time we were there.  I was rather impressed with the quality of the kits they were giving away.  I expected it to be something pretty dinky but it was a nice toy and both of my kids really liked being able to use the hammer and put the pieces together.

While I was working with the kids on their helicopter projects, Jonathan went to sign up for the helicopter ride.  Unfortunately, he came back with bad news and we had to tell Julianna that they were all booked up.  Plus, they only had one helicopter there instead of the two helicopters that they've had in the past so they weren't going to be able to go and she was devastated.  We promised her she'd get to do it sometime in the near future and after a while she got over her disappointment. Still, there's nothing like seeing your baby's heart get broken.

We walked around and looked at all of the different planes. We watched the jets flying by and the trick planes as well.  There was even a lady standing on the wings of a bi-plane as it turned around and over and upside down.  Pretty neat.

We ate a hot dog lunch under a tent and walked around a bit more before Josh could fall asleep.

We got to go inside of a big FedEx plane which was a huge disappointment for me because I'm ignorant I guess and I thought we were going to get to see inside a passenger plane or whatever, but ti was just a big open space for all of the packages.  We couldn't even really walk anywhere once we were inside the door.  The kids did enjoy seeing the cockpit though.

It was a good little family outing and I'm glad we got to go.  We are fortunate to live in a place that has so many family friendly entertainment activities on the weekends.  I can't wait until my babies get the chance to fly on a real plane.

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